METASYS Medizintechnik GmbH
Florianistraße 3
6063 Rum near Innsbruck
Opening hours
Mon - Thurs 8.00 am - 5.00 pm
Fri 8.00 am - 12.00 pm
Closed on Sat & Sun
How to find us
By public transport:
Line T or F, stop Neu-Rum Siemensstraße (180 m walk)
Line 504, stop Neu-Rum Abzw. Innstrasse (700 m walk)
Line 5, stop Neu-Rum Volksschule
Train station Rum near Innsbruck (800 m on foot)
By car:
On the A12 Inntala autobahn to Hall-West, take the second exit at the roundabout, turn left onto Bundesstraße/B171, at METRO turn left onto Siemensstraße and follow the road 650 m to the west.
Parking available at the company premises.

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